Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Cinema

 I love going to the movies but prices are steep. I get they are competing with the DVD, streaming video, libraries etc. But raising ticket price really only helps their rivals. Take a short term loss you blinkered greedheads! Ignore the MBA’s! Business is about people not balance sheets!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

A Lesson About the Art

From Wikipedia - In February 1946 [Minor} White had the first of several meetings with photographer Alfred Stieglitz in New York. White knew of Stieglitz's deep understanding of photography from his various writings, and through their conversations White adopted much of Stieglitz's theory of equivalence, where the image stands for something other than the subject matter, and his use of sequencing pictorial imagery. At one of their meetings White wrote in his journal that he expressed his doubt that he was ready to become a serious photographer. He wrote that Stieglitz asked him "Have you ever been in love?" White answered "yes," and Stieglitz replied "Then you can photograph."

Floral Cosplay

Two Unrelated Photos

Epiphany (?)

I was at my local chain store looking around. There are a lot of self-help books there, including one that offers a Zen approach to cameras. But in order to really make a photo you have to think about what you are doing, which is that mindfulness I hear so much about.  So it's what I'm learning anyway, maybe?