Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Duo #1 Birds

“I am a camera, with its shutter open. Someday, all of this will be developed, printed, fixed.” - Christopher Isherwood

This is my preferred style of the the art, also known to some as street photography. That name is also something of a misnomer because it is about people, who are frequently found in all sorts of places, doing all sorts of things. 

Unlike more immediate styles, such as journalism, I like to get my pictures of people & their events, save the take to the hard drive, & come back to it later.  Sometimes I see things I didn't notice at the time, or I see something else. Then I either delete that bad boy, crop it or it becomes a whole other photo on it's own.  Photojournalism, fashion etc are of course more immediate & thats fine. They pay, so I don't mind the time crunch so much. The art stuff doesn't pay except in praise, but $$ will come.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Found Abstracts

If memory serves, this collection is from CBMM in St. Michael's 2-3 years back. To paraphrase my British friends, chance IS a fine thing.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Selected Downtown Annapolis Pictures Summer 2018

"The World Only Spins Forward" (from Angels in America)

I am in the wind because I recently lost my home. TBH, I was looking to sell out & move on anyway but due to circumstances too tedious to detail here, I was unable to leave on my own terms. Causality is a bitch. But as upsetting as recent events have been, there were elements of grace & hope in the whole mess.

People stepped up & got me through the worst of it. Thank you all, so very much! The good news is  I have places to stay & an art to pursue, namely photography. My modest efforts seem to have found some favor at least, for which I am most most humbly grateful.

Like the world, I only spin forward.

Old Dog Photography (original) II

If, as Duke Ellington  said, "there are only two kinds of music, good & bad," then maybe i'ts the same for any endeavor? Like photography for example.  No matter the subject, the process is the same. Capture light in a box & freeze it into a picture to inspire  a reaction. Preferably a favorable one, but at least a reaction